Monday, October 19, 2015

Why Netflix Original Shows Are The Future

        Over the summer I watched the entire first season of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and I don’t feel guilty about it at all. Netflix original shows are the beginning of something new, going much past the modern media.
         While shows on prime time TV have to fight to get certain time slots and could get cancelled based on people in the company no longer seeing the show as profitable, on Netflix there seems to be much more flexibility. On Netflix writers don’t have to worry about being picked up for a certain time or if the certain time slot that may be on at the same time as another popular show that could take away their viewership and lead to their show getting cancelled.
        Netflix shows are also gaining a lot more popularity than shows on regular TV. In the past year all I’ve heard people talk about is Orange is the New Black, a Netflix original show. The way Netflix releases show also makes it a bit easier for people to watch. While regular TV shows release one episode once a week, Netflix releases an entire season at once which allows people to watch when they want to. If they feel like watching three episodes and then stopping for two weeks and then restarting, they can without having to worry about falling behind or missing something important. The only problem with this type of release is people talking about it online and in real life and easily getting spoiled and viewers forgetting what happened in the first season by the time the second season is released.
       Netflix also gives their shows a lot more flexibility than regular TV. When a show is on regular TV it is closely regulated by the channel and criticized by insanely over protective parents who don’t know how to just change the channel if they don’t like what they’re seeing. On Orange is the New Black one of the first few episode show a girl in entire nudity and isn’t blurred out in the slightest. If this were on regular TV that would never back it into the first draft. Shows are able to go beyond the TV-14 rating put in place by an unspoken rule and can make their characters more rebellious and wild and can use worse language.  While The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is not as “out there” as Orange is the New Black it’s basically to be expected. Tina Fey, the writer of the show, wrote for shows like 30 Rock and SNL, where they can be very suggestive, but they can’t actually show or do anything. I see shows in the future pushing the bar and being more progressive than ever before.
Word count: 452

Diversity in Grey's Anatomy

                Continuing my segment of things wrong with Hollywood (and trust me there are a lot of them) I’m going to be talking today specifically about race in the media. Diversity can include many different things, but this blog post is going to be specifically centered on race.

                The first shows that I can think of, and is basically on every single one of my blog posts, that makes an extreme effort to have a wide panel of races in characters is Grey’s Anatomy. While a larger amount of main characters are white, there are still a large amount of minorities on Grey’s Anatomy to the point that critics have said that the show doesn’t reflect the population of Seattle and is much more diverse than any hospital in real life Seattle would be.

                One way that Grey’s Anatomy has diversified TV is through interracial couples. While I never thought much of it when I first started watching I later realized that most TV shows have white characters dating and marrying other white characters and black characters dating and marrying other black characters. On Grey’s Anatomy in the first season Cristina starts dating Dr. Burke and she is Asian (Korean to be more specific)-American and Burke was African American. I never thought about if that much when I saw if, but a lot of other people never wanted them to be together and thought it was a little weird. There have also been many other interracial couples on Grey’s Anatomy; Dr. Webber and Ellis Grey, April and Jackson, Arizona and Callie, and many others that I can’t remember off of the top of my head. Grey’s leads television in the most interracial couples while shows like 30 Rock were still making fun of it and trying to see how the audience would react.

                Another way that Grey’s creates diversity is though children of different race. When Meredith and Derick couldn’t have kids they adopted Zola, an African orphan who was taken to the hospital for a surgery when she was a baby. Arizona and Callie also have a baby that was between Callie and Mark and would therefore make Sofia half white and half Latina and is being raised by a white Mom and a Latina Mom. This show, like Modern Family, show the changes of what family has meant of the years and what a family looks like in modern day America.

                By including more races in the show it leads to a wider audience that can relate to the characters they are seeing on their television. Cristina is one of the only female Asian characters on television at the time period and that other girls could look up to. On NCIS, for example, the character Ziva David, played by Cote de Pablo, not only brought in a large Latin audience because of her actually being Latina and from Chile, she also brought in a large Israeli audience because of the character, Ziva, being from Israel. More diversity=more viewers overall.

Word count: 500

Why is TV So Addicting

***Grey’s Anatomy spoilers***

When you start watching a new show it’s like entering an entirely new universe. New characters, new plots, and thousands of possibilities. It’s also easily possible to get hooked on a show and want to binge watch it for hours on end. But why are TV shows so addicting?

                The first thing I can think of is suspense. This is part of how writers keep you coming back. You need to know if Meredith really dies, or if she ends up with McDreamy, or if Burke really leaves Christina at the altar. Cliffhangers are a great method of doing this. At the end of the season of the last episode, the season finale, a giant mega bomb is usually dropped and then not resolved by the end of the episode so you have to wait until the end of September to see what happens. This helps bring in ratings and explains why season finales and primers are the most viewed episodes. 

                TV shows also begin to feel like a habit to people who regularly watch certain shows. They know that Grey’s Anatomy is on on Thursdays at 7pm. This way people adjust their lives and their daily routines for a TV show without even noticing it. People make sure that they don’t work at a certain time and if they have to go to a kid’s basketball game or party the make sure to DVR the episode or plan to watch it on the app of whatever channel the TV show

               Soon enough you find yourself sitting in class daydreaming about 30 Rock and wondering what will happen on the next episode. Your mind is filled with the theme songs of the shows you watch and the plot twists and secrets that characters are keeping from each other. You begin to wonder if a big, dramatic change will happen in the next episodes and if you’re extremely dedicated to the show you will check gossip blogs, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube to see what other people are saying about your TV show.

                For shows that don’t are not dramas and don’t have regular cliff hangers at the end of each episodes it can be the unique characters that bring you back every week. For example, on Castle (A show I love, but haven’t had time to watch due to school and homework and work.) has a wide variety of characters that are lovable and, in some cases, relatable. My two favorite characters on Castle and obviously Kate Beckett and Castle. I’ve always loved to the friendship and romantic relationship between them and even though every episode ends with them finding the murderer and ending the day with the case closed and no loose ends, people still come back for the next case and so they can watch the relationship between Kate and Castle and the rest of the team.

Word count: 481


Sunday, October 18, 2015

What's So Great About Love Triangles?

               I hate love triangles, I always have, always will. They seem to add unnecessary drama and give people the false impression that when they grow up they’re going to have people all over them and they will have to choose out of two people who they want to be with, when its more likely that it will be hard for them to even find one person.
****spoiler alerts for Grey’s Anatomy****
                By season two or three Meredith seemed to be the girl who had it all. Her biggest dilemma was choosing between McDreamy and McVet, two daringly handsome men, one a brain surgeon and the other a veterinarian, who both desperately wanted to be with her. Then she’s chooses McDreamy and live happily ever after… not. Love triangles always lead to the character wondering “what would have happened if I had choose the other person?”. This also lead to people on the Internet choosing teams like team Edward and team Jacob and going crazy over it. They’re ridiculous. 
Word count: 168 

Why Do We Love Star-Crossed Lovers?

                Romeo and Juliet, and more recently Hazel and Augustus, literature and movies love to play around with what are known as “star-crossed lovers”. What does that even mean? Star-crossed lovers are basically defined as two people who want to be together, but can’t, because of fate, or family, or disease, or whatever is pushing them apart. We just love them for some odd reason. Why is it?
                I feel like part of the reason people love the idea of star-crossed lovers is because it gives them hope that they can find their “soul mate”, the person that is fated for them. Star-crossed lovers show people this and give them they idea that can find their Romeo or Hazel Grace. People think that just because a few unlucky couples couldn't make it that they will be able to. Sure maybe they’re single now or in a relationship that is just “average” and isn't like what they've seen in the movies or TV shows that they love. A lot of girls what love like Romeo and Juliet (you know, minus all the dying and stuff.), a love that would be worth risking what anyone thought about you so that you could have that wonderful movie love. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you really think about it.) this does not exist.
                When I first read Romeo and Juliet in ninth grade I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. Why would two teenagers ever think that they could be together forever when they had so much life ahead of them? Now, thinking back to when I read The Fault in Our Stars in seventh grade, I thought Hazel and Augustus’s romance was riveting and perfect and that would have been together forever, even though they were also only teenagers. The difference between Romeo and Juliet and Hazel and Augustus is that they were star-crossed by something that couldn't be controlled, cancer. With Romeo and Juliet you can say that they were stupid and ignorant, but you can’t say that about kids with cancer.

                We all the magically excitement of the movies, even when we know it doesn't exist.

Word count: 354 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Why Aren't Movies Like Their Books?

                 I’ve been an active reader for as long as I can remember. I grew up reading Junie B. Jones and the Magic Tree House and now I read a variety of genres amongst YA and Adult fiction. The first movie to book adaptation I can remember watching is Charlotte’s Web. For a long time I never knew that it was based off a book and just thought that it was only a movie. When I discovered that it was a book I begged my dad to buy it for me and then never read it… Even though it had been a movie aimed towards little kids I never really got into the book, partly because I knew what was going to happen.
                Since then I have seen many book to movie adaptations and they’ve all been… mostly horrible. There are a few expectations to this that I will talk about later, but for the most part books to movies are very inaccurate. They either completely change the plot, don’t have the same tone as the book, cast actors much older than their character, cast actors of the entirely wrong race, and try to make the movie more “relatable” for those who don’t read and are more interested in social media. These are just a few problems with book to movie adaptations.
                The most well know book to movie ultimate failure is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. If you say that you like that movie I will probably want to kill you (Along with one of my friends who wrote a list of over 300 things that the movie messed up from the book). This movie both messed up the plot completely and tried to make the movie more relatable. They played Lady Gaga instead of Hilary Duff so they could try to connect with viewers and tried to make that characters act more like twenty years unlike that teenagers they are actually playing. Yes, they had almost thirty years old playing characters in a novel that on the first page states “My name is Percy Jackson and I just turned twelve.” Twelve. This has led to complete hatred for this movie from the book community and is pretty much a joke amongst readers and a fear that their favorite novel with turn into a “Percy Jackson movie” and will completely suck.
                A few books to movies adaptations that earn a gold star from me include the Hunger Games trilogy, The Fault in Our Stars, and Bridge to Terrabethia. The Hunger Games novels had such a large fan base back when they first came out that the directors knew that they couldn’t mess those movies up. They did a great job at casting characters that actually met their book descriptions (In Percy Jackson Annabeth was described as a blonde with gray eyes and was played by a brunette.) The plot of the Hunger Games was almost exactly identical to the novel and has been approved by readers and movie watchers alike. The Fault in Our Stars was also a major book to movie success. Another recent movie that was a breathtaking (anyone see that pun there? No? Ok.) novel that was also very similar to its movie adaptation. Although the movie felt very fast and short compared to the book and left out a side characters and minor scenes it was pretty similar to the movie.   

                So what is the main reason that some movies get so messed up? The writers and directors. People seem to get mad at the authors even though authors sign over all rights to their books at the beginning of the process and have to hope that their novel turns into a good movie. Writer and directors and caster usually try to fit in as much of the novel as they can, but what some readers don’t understand is that even though they would sit through a 10 hour movie with every single line from the book word for word, most normal people would not. They also think that if they are not relatable then people won’t watch it. Directors think that they need to have 20 year olds playing 12 years old or else no one will watch it. There are serious issues in Hollywood.   
Word count: 711

Why I Hate Horror Movies

           When is a time when people voluntarily put themselves in a terrified state just for the “fun” and the “adrenaline rush” (whatever that means)? Roller coasters, jumping on and out of things, and horror movies. We’re going to stick with the worst one today: horror movies.

            Ever since I was little I’ve hated any types of scary movies. It took be until I was 12 to even be able to fully watch and enjoy the Pirates of the Caribbean movies (Yes, I know they are not horror, but to a five or six year old they are terrifying even though they are Disney) and 15 to watch my first horror movie. Since I was the older sibling I never had any sibling pressure to watch horror movies until I was 15 and my sister was 13. Then she began her horror movie phase and wanted to watch dozens of horror movies with her. It didn’t go so well.

            Part of what I hate so much about horror movies is that they aren’t very realistic and ninety percent of the time they end with the little kid being the murderer. What? I would hope that people in real life and much smarter than the people in horror movies. These people think that they are invincible and they can do whatever they please. It has always been hard for me to take people in horror movies seriously based on their actions.

            Also, there is a lot more gore than there is in real life. In real life if you accidentally cut yourself with a kitchen knife you would clean it and possibly need a few stitches, while in a horror movie you would be gushing blood and leave a trail along the ground that the murderer follows. Its insane.

Word count: 297

Best Moments From NCIS Halloween Episodes

The Halloween episodes of NCIS have some of the best moments by far.
              One of my favorite moments on a NCIS Halloween episode was when Ziva found McGee’s Elf Lord costume. Seeing Ziva put on McGee’s blue elf hat and tried to pull it off the best she could. In a way, like a deep deep down way, you feel bad for McGee but you still have to love it when Ziva and Tony haze him. Ziva though she was being so clever wearing McGee’s elf hat and the matching gloves that went with it until Gibbs walked right up behind her. This was hilarious because Ziva and Tony were in their own little world when Gibbs came up and caught them both extremely off guard.

            Another NCIS Halloween moment was when Ducky and Palmer were late to a crime scene and the team was at a house waiting for them only to have the NCIS van pull up the house and learned that they had been egged. Not that that was a problem for Ducky. Palmer explains that Ducky chased the teenagers who egged their van and made them clean the van off before they could leave. None of the team members can believe it and Ducky can be seen going on like it’s just a normal day occurrence.

           My all time favorite NCIS Halloween scene that I love is when we get to see Abby in her Marilyn Monroe dress. Tony and McGee (I’m pretty sure..) were the first ones to go down to Abby’s lab on Halloween and are completely flabbergasted when they watch Abby twirl around in her costume and act like it’s a totally normal thing. Tony and McGee’s facial expressions and lack of words are hilarious and its even better when Gibbs goes down later and has about the same reaction as them.

Word count: 309



The Five Stages After Finishing A TV Show

              Even though I'm completely caught up with Grey's Anatomy I still find myself going on Netflix and re-watching the old episodes once again, I can't help it! I'm pretty sure I've re-watched the first episode at least 5 times and I have all of the lines memorized. When you finally get through the last episode of the last season of a show on Netflix and it takes you back to season 1 episode 1 and then you go through the 5 stages of finishing a show.

               The first stage you enter when you finish all of the episodes of all of the seasons of a show is a sense of accomplishment. You just finished the ENTIRE show. All seven (or whatever) seasons of a show that you have been watching for weeks or months and finally getting to the ending. Finding out if your favorite couple will end up together, will they get off the island, and will they ever really get together. You find yourself sitting in your room pondering the ending and wishing some things had turned out different and knowing that some of the things were absolutely perfect.

               Stage two: you feel like you have to tell anyone who will listen. This stage includes even people who have never even heard of the show. You text your friends and talk to your parents about how awesome the show is and how the seriously need to start watching it. If your friends or parents have seen it you feel like you need to have an in depth conversation about everything that happened in the end and who your favorite character was and who you wish would have died/lived in the finale.

                Stage three: the wonderful, weird, amazing world called the Internet. Once you have enter the Internet stage your friends and family and any real people you can physically can talk to are tired of you talking about Grey’s Anatomy every minute of every day even though you’re still not sure how you feel about some of the plot holes. This is when you turn to the Internet for help. On the Internet you can find thousands or millions of people who love the same show or movie as you and actually want to talk about it and feel the same as you. You can find blogs like this one dedicated to your show or movie, fanfiction, art, and people’s opinions on every aspect of the show or movie, characters, character’s death, who should have made out with who, why the ending just was not the greatest, and way more. This stage is typically the longest because there is just so much out there that stage three could honestly last you weeks or months.

                Stage 4: grieving. This is where you are finally starting to move on from the show or movie and have to grieve for your immense loss. You no longer feel like you have the time or need for the Internet and that you don’t really want to watch the show either. Some of the show seems a bit cliché and you’re not sure if that was really hot male main character is actually that hot. You’re letting go, which is good. The posters get taken down and the background on your laptop gets changed back to something normal again like puppies or something. You tell yourself that you need to get your life back on track and that this fandom is just taking up too much of your precious time.

             Stage 5: finding a new obsession. This stage is by far the easiest stage out of all five stages. This is when your casually looking through Netflix (even though you said you wouldn’t in stage four) and seen a picture that looks interesting. The Witches of East End? You click on the description and start to get a bit more intrigued. And then you click. Even though you said you wouldn’t. Sure maybe the first few episodes are a bit slow but it gets so much better. Welcome back to stage one.   

 Word count: 678

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Why I Shipped Chuck and Blair

Ship= to want (desperately) for fictional or real characters or people to be together as a couple. Or at least that’s that least complicated way I can put it.

                Gossip Girl was the show that had it all. Drama, relationships, fame, and riches. One of those relationships was the well know ship between Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf. Now that I look back at it, most of the reason why I wanted them to be together was because they didn’t want to be together. They more or less hated each other in the beginning then got closer as friend and then dated. I loved their fighting and saying that they would never, ever date when you knew the whole time that they would end up together. Chuck and Blair were also the only couple that seemed to have anything in common. They both loved to scheme. Some of the best episodes were ones that involved Blair and Chuck working together so they could catch something in the act or find some secret that someone was hiding.  

Word Count: 176

How Netflix Actually Helps Currently Running Shows

                A lot of reports have been finding that people around 11 to 20s are more likely to watch their TV shows on Netflix and other providers such as Hulu Plus than actually watching currently running shows on channels like ABC and CBS. While this is true, Netflix also helps the currently running shows when you really think about it. Without Netflix a few currently running shows would no longer be on the air, or would have a significantly smaller audience compared to shows that are not available on Netflix.

                Only a few years ago I was the only one of my friends that consistently watched Grey’s Anatomy and was completely caught up with the episodes currently running on TV. Most people didn’t want to watch it because A, they were grossed out or afraid of blood and gore and medical-ish things, or B they knew they wouldn’t understand what was going on in the show because Grey’s Anatomy has been on for 12 years and there are a lot of things that refer to previous episodes that a new viewer wouldn’t know about. Therefore most people could only catch up on Grey’s by getting the DVDs from the library or a store or trying to find the show (illegally) online.

                Now, GREY’S ANATOMY IS ON NETFLIX! Ever since then I’ve heard more and more people talking about the show and how they’ve been binge watching it on Netflix. A girl at my work said that she thought she would never watch Grey’s Anatomy and now that all of the past seasons are available on Netflix she’s already on season three and has been watching it every day. Netflix has allowed people to catch up on entire seasons of shows and then be able to watch them live on TV being fully caught up with what it going on in the show.

                While some TV channels such as ABC, NBC, CBS, and ABC Family have apps that let you watch some of the episodes, they most likely only have the last 5 or 6 episodes of the season the show is currently on. If you wanted to watch Grey’s Anatomy right now from the ABC app you would only be able to watch the first two episodes (what is currently out) of this season. If you were new to Grey’s Land and wanted to watch they show from the beginning you would only be able to do that on Netflix (or DVD which can get expensive). So now Grey’s Anatomy may be saving itself from going off air by being on Netflix and reaching a much younger audience that is now very interested in the show and are flying through the past seasons and planning on watching the new episodes that are currently on TV. Without Netflix Grey’s would not be near as popular as it is now among teenagers.

Word Count: 479

Lack of Strong female characters in TV

   While we have certainly came a long way since the beginning of TV and radio shows there are still many problems still alive in Hollywood today. One major problem that many girls see over and over again is the lack of strong female role characters in TV. While some TV have attempted to have more “masculine” female characters they continue to stereotype more feminine female characters and make them seem wimpy and demanding.

                My favorite show in the world from when I was 12-16 was NCIS. I loved seeing characters like Kate Todd and Ziva David that were smart, but they could also fight and solve the cases just as well (if not better than) as the male characters on the show. **SPOILERS** since then both characters have left the show. (Well, Kate died and Ziva left to do who knows what in Israel even though her entire family is dead and she had no real reason to be there.) I was devastated when I found out that Cote de Pablo (Ziva) was leaving NCIS. She had been my role model for the past 4 years and had been half of the couple that I was waiting to get together since the minute she enter the show. It also symbolized the last female role model leaving the show. While Jenny may not have been as tough and ninja like as Ziva, she was the head director of NCIS and was definitely a brilliant role model for girls.

                After Ziva left I felt like there was no reason for me to continue watching the show and I didn’t really care if the show ended or not. Now the show as a “New Girl”, Ellie Bishop, who does seem to be intelligent, but lacks the confidence and diversity that Ziva was able to bring to the team. She also is married which means that I can’t ship her with Tony (not that I would ship him with anyone but Ziva, obviously) or anyone else on the team, which makes her really boring. She also bring less excitement to the show because although Ellie is extremely smart, she can’t fight or kill someone eight different ways with just a paperclip.

                Aside from NCIS, another show that attempts to bring strong female character but doesn’t quite get there is the Big Bang Theory. While Amy and Bernadette both are supposed to be seen as more intelligent women in the science field that seem to come across as petty and unintelligente compared to their male counterparts. While Sheldon is shown to have quirks and social skill problems, most of his obstacles are “justified” by the other characters while if a female character such as Penny or Amy do something crazy and say something weird its usually said that its because they are women and that women are crazy. Saying these things on a show where the characters are supposed to be extremely intelligent doesn’t make sense.

                Overall, I feel that sexism in the media leads to a lot of lack of strong female characters in TV and make the average American have the opinions that they do. If we were able to put strong female characters in the most watched shows then it would be easier for girls to have better femaile role models in the media and could help shape people’s opinion on gender in the United States and in other parts of the world.     
Word Count: 571

Monday, October 5, 2015

Why You Should Watch Friends

            Over the summer while else was going on vacation and getting beautiful and tan, I was inside watching reruns of Friends on Netflix (and working 25+ hours a week). When I started watching Friends I quickly realized that the show was defiantly before my time (4 years before I was even born before in fact) and I had a bit of a culture shock. I laughed at their weird clothes and that fact that they didn’t even have cell phones and everyone had to share Chandler’s computer because he was the only one out of all six of the “friends” that had one in the beginning. They thought George Stephanopolis was sexy and that tight jeans were “so 80s”. This all really confused me for a while.
           Then I started to really get into the show. With having six main characters it is impossible to not like anyone on the show. I still can’t exactly pick my favorite character of Friends (I’m stuck between Rachel and Phoebe). Rachel seems to bring the most drama to the show, while Phoebe brings the most comedic humor, Chandler brings the most jokes, Joey is funny for his lack of knowledge, Ross runs into so many conflicts that it ends up being funny, and Monica brings humor through her cleanliness and overall attitude. With the mix of these six characters and drama and life and everything that comes with it nothing can go wrong.

            Although Friends started in 1994 and ran until 2004 there are still so many life lessons and humorous moments that can easily be connect to present day. Friends taught me that you should really surround yourself with people who help and inspire you. Although Monica doesn’t really agree with Rachel’s goal to have a job in fashion she still continues to support her best friend until Rachel finally gets a higher job at Ralph Lauren (and beyond that in the end). When Ross got divorced his friends were there for him even when the all had ongoing conflicts of their own. My favorite friendship on the show was between Chandler and Joey. For a majority of Friends Joey had a really tough time trying to get an acting jobs and fell into a lot of money issues during that time. The entire time Chandler supported Joey and paid for his acting lessons and headshots even when all of the other friends didn’t believe in him.

Friends is the best show ever.

Word count: 411

Monday, September 28, 2015

Top Three Reasons Why I Love Musicals

               The first reason I love musicals is, you can guess it, the amazing music. The first “musical” I can remember watching is High School Musical, a movie(s) that changed my life in more ways than one. I loved watching the characters break into song and choreography and being able to memorizing the performances and put on a show with my friends at school. Other musicals such as Rock of Ages and Mamma Mia introduce people to types of music that they aren’t used to hearing and can change their music preferences. After watching Rock of Ages I realized how much I actually like 70s and 80s rock (as I a few of my friends who also watched Rock of Ages and fell in love with it) and I watched Mamma Mia and listened to the soundtrack over and over again.
                The second reason I absolutely adore musicals in because of how the adds the element of the scene. For example at the end of High School Musical 2, Gabriella comes back the beach resort that her, Troy, and all of the characters where working at throughout the movie and sings the duet “Everyday”. While in a regular film the scene could be very dramatic, adding music brings the audience to the show and creates more excitement in the scene. Having the two characters sing a song together to show that they are getting back together verses having them just get back together like in a normal movie makes the musical that much more exciting in contrast to a normal movie.
                The third, and final, reason I love musicals is because of the way they can show viewers a glimpse into history while still engaging their audience. The first time I watched The Sound of Music I was in music class in elementary school and I had no clue what the Holocaust or World War Two were, but what I did know was that I loved the music and all of the characters in the musical. After learning more about World War Two and the Holocaust in 8th grade language arts, LA10, and World History I realized what The Sound of Music was really about and how much I had seen, but hadn’t realized by watching it. When I rewatched The Sound of Music I noticed how the characters spoke about politics and what life was like back for people in Austria during World War Two.
Word Count: 405


Monday, September 21, 2015

Fall TV: What I'm Looking Forward To

                          While its still sunny and warm out all of our favorite TV shows are about to premiere for their fall debut. Here I'm going to talk about the top two shows I'm most looking forward to watching this fall (excluding all shows on Netflix and YouTube). 
                            To begin, GREY’S ANATOMY STARTS IN THREE DAYS! I'm extremely excited to see what will become of Grey's Anatomy after the tragically unexpected death of the one and only Derek "McDreamy" Shepard (aka The Worst Day of My Life). Even though the hiatus has only been three months it feels likes its been a lifetime. At the end of last season Meredith and Derek’s sister, Amelia, were still beginning to cope with the loss of McDreamy and Meredith was left to raise her and Derek’s three children, Zola, Bailey, and New Baby? I honestly have no clue what the new baby’s name is.
          I’m beginning to actullay enjoy Amelia being a regular on the show (hopfully I didn’t just jinx myself or else she’ll be gone after the second episode). She seems to bring a reality check to Meredith that none of the character are brave enough to say to her: Why did she not call anyone before she took Derek off life support? While most people would wait a few days to make such a life changing (or in this case ending…) choice. She never called Amelia or any of Derek’s other sisters or even his own Mother before taking him off life support. Having Amelia there sort of represnents that loss of McDreamy from the show and fills some of the void that was left when Patrick Dempsey left Grey’s Anatomy. I would like to see her stay as a season regular, but with Grey’s Anatomy you never really know who’s going to be there in the next episode, even the main characters are never safe from the writers of Grey’s.
          Another thing I’m worried about is Richard and Catherine’s engagement. I feels like every other episode they are breaking up and reengaging then breaking up again and then getting back together…again (And this has been happening for how many seasons?). Although they got engaged yet again in an elaborate, cute way I still don’t see their relationship lasting until another wedding. Richard and Catherine are two very very different people and it seems like their personalities are allows getting in the way of them ever getting along and getting hitched. I just feel bad for Jackson having to go through all of this with one of the partnership being his Mom and this other is one of his coworkers. Although I kind of like them together I don’t see Richard and Catherine lasting more than a few episodes before something happens and they get in a fight and Catherine calls it off again.
          My other top show I’m looking forward to is Fox’s Sleepy Hollow. I originally started watching Sleepy Hollow when it premiered three years again, but last year I got bombarded with homework and essays and Sleepy Hollow got pushed to the back burner. In the next month or so (or Thanksgiving break to be a little more realistic) I hope to go on the Fox app and catching up on Sleepy Hollow so I can watch it live. Sleepy Hollow is one of the most mysterious and plot-twisty shows I have ever watch and it has one of my favorite ships Crane and Abbie.
          Thanks for reading!